Google Meet

Author Google, USA
Added Value and Benefit for virtual learning process Online collaboration with learners; staying connected; flexible location; lesson recording; screen sharing.
Description of tool Google Meet is a standards-based video conferencing application that uses proprietary protocols for video, audio and data transcoding. Educators can create a unique Meet link for each class. The link acts as a dedicated meeting space for each class, making it easy for both VET staff and learners to join. Even if learners do not have Gmail accounts, they will be able to click on the link and attend the meeting. Only meeting creators and calendar owners can mute or remove other participants. This ensures that instructors cannot be removed or muted by participating learners. Recordings include the active speaker and anything that is presented. An email with the recording link is automatically sent to the meeting organiser and the person who started the recording.
Practical application of tool/examples of use You can conduct lessons as in a real classroom and give learners the floor to present, as well as to discuss certain topics. Start Q&A sessions and create breakout rooms for group activities.
Price Free Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals;
Google Workspace for Education Standard (2.20€/learner/year);
Teaching & Learning Upgrade (2.50€/employee/year).
Requirements on company level G-Suite-Enterprise for Education account required.
Copyright and usage restrictions / GDPR none
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Comparable tools Microsoft Team
Microsoft Teams is a platform developed by Microsoft that combines chat, meetings, notes and attachments.

Zoom is a free tool for holding meetings and video conferences.

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