
Author RealtimeBoard, Inc. dba Miro, Netherlands
Availability/Link https://miro.com/
Added Value and Benefit for virtual learning process Real-time and asynchronous collaboration of learners and teachers, visualise learning timeline, organise tasks and resources in one place and assign responsible learners.
Description of tool Miro is a collaborative online whiteboard for teams and perfect for group work as everyone can access and edit the board at the same time. Colourful Post-Its can be virtually pinned on the whiteboard. Furthermore, images, videos, emojis, shapes, icons and many applications can be inserted.
Practical application of tool/examples of use To brainstorm on a topic together with learners; to assign a group work and learners can organise and collaborate on online whiteboard
Price 3 boards free of charge (registration required)
Requirements on company level n/a
Copyright and usage restrictions / GDPR n/a
More information
Comparable tools Lucidchart
Lucidchart is a web-based diagramming tool, allowing users to collaborate and work together in real time, creating flowcharts, org charts, website schematics, UML layouts, mind maps, software prototypes, and many other types of diagrams.

Flinga whiteboard enables teachers and students to build mind maps and group the messages in any way you want.

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