
Author Nitesh Goel, India
Added Value and Benefit for virtual learning process Receive instant feedback in real-time; more interaction between teacher and students; monitor understanding of learners and assess learning; peer feedback.
Description of tool Padlet is a digital tool that can help teachers and learners in class and beyond by offering a single place for a notice board. This digital notice board is able to feature images, links, videos, and documents, all collated on a "wall" that can be made public or private. Its generic structure and the different wall templates open up an almost infinite space of application options. The tool can be used to create rich-media products such as blogs, one-page websites, resource lists, maps and much more. You can also use a padlet to organise learning and interaction or create a shared knowledge and resource bank for everyone.
Practical application of tool/examples of use To share and distribute content such as text, images, links, documents, videos or audio recordings; to discuss a topic and comment on work.
Price 3 Padlets free of charge after registration; 90€/year/teacher.
Requirements on company level none
Copyright and usage restrictions / GDPR none
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